You must be prepared to invest some funds. There is free promotion on the net. Take advantage of it. It doesn't cost anything. I think it is a great way to supplement your paid promotion. I know that the more you invest in promotion, the greater your chances are to succeed. If you have lots of funds it might be easy to invest funds in promotion. If you, like a nice deal of us, have a limited budget it will be difficult to do that. If you have a plan & have faith in yourself, go ahead & take a chance. Chances are you will see great return on that funds.
Do you need to get rich? That is the query that grabs people's attention. Who doesn't need to get rich? If you are looking for a "work at home" business you might see a lot of promises of fast wealth. I am very leery of anything that promises fast wealth. I would advise people to stay away from opportunities that promise that you will be wealthy in "x' amount of days.
Can you make money on the internet? Can you start a "work from home" business & be well-off? The answer to both of those questions is yes. You won't get rich while you are sleeping as some programs promise. It takes a lot of hard work & determination to make money with cash gifting but and can be done.
The investment of time to reach the desired riches is & a problem. For those who do not work at another job, time is plentiful. For those of us who work full-time jobs, it is a scramble to find time to work on our home business. Personally I have so lots of ideas of what I would love to do with my business. I dream of having every day, all day, to work on these ideas. I could get so much accomplished! I could even visit forums & learn a lot more. I could research areas that I am interested in for my business. I could go through even more training material. The list goes on & on. Reality is that I only have limited time, so I must prioritize.