With the explosion of the internet, prospecting for MLM customers and downline distributors has become much easier and much more effective, when you utilize the right strategies. Video marketing is another great resource for prospecting. Start by creating a Youtube channel for yourself. Youtube is the primary video resource on the internet, currently logging over 1 billion visits per year to their site. Begin to create regular video content that is of particular interest to your target market. Build relationships with those who send friend requests and those who subscribe to your video channel. Once again the natural outflow of these relationships is discussion about your business and even your products. The opportunities with video are enormous. You could host interviews with people who bring value to the topic of conversation. You could conduct short training segments or motivational pieces. You could even do a product demonstration on camera.
Social media is the obvious starting place for anyone looking to find new lead so they can make money in their network marketing business. Whether you are using Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Linked In, Plaxo or any other social media outlet, the principle remains the same. Each of these social media sites are built around interpersonal relationships. No longer does a network marketer have to guess whether or not their prospects are interested in their products or opportunity. A simple search of keywords will reveal a list of individuals who are interested in those particular topics. The key to using social media is to build relationships. If you are constantly badgering people with your business and website links, you are likely to get banned from the site, and you most certainly will not be growing your business with any degree of success. As you build relationships the conversations will naturally allow you to talk about your business, without appearing pushy. By learning the strategies of MLM prospecting online, not only will you grow your home business, but you will have a lot of fun doing it.