The first consideration that needs to be evaluated is market demand for the product. Does this product have a natural cash gifting demand on its own, or would you need to also educate the market place about the existence of such a product? It is obviously much easier to sell a product that already has a an identity in the market place. For example the average person on the street can immediately recognized why they might need a degreaser, mineral makeup, synthetic motor oil or gold and silver coins. (all are offered through network marketing companies); however, they might be a little more uncertain of why they might need an Acai berry juice, or other lesser known health supplement. If there is going to be consumer education involved in the retailing of your product, you need to realize that your business will take additional effort.
The next consideration is fast cash marketplace viability. Consider the competition in the market place. Are there equivalent products in local retail establishments, and if so how does the pricing of your product compare? If there is an equivalent product in the market place, does the brand carry enough recognition to overcome the price and availability issues? For companies like Avon, Mary Kay, Fuller Brush and Amsoil this has not been an issue. They have developed sufficient brand loyalty and following in the market to overcome the issues of competition and availability.
Your choice of network marketing products is one of the primary considerations that needs to be undertaken when considering a network marketing business. Today there are nearly 5,000 network marketing companies in operation today. Of those companies the majority offer products in the health and wellness market place.
So how do you determine which network marketing product is the most suitable for your long range goals?
The primary consideration when choosing your network marketing products is your belief in them. If you do not believe that your products are the very best and do not have conviction in sharing that belief, then you may want to consider other options. Your belief in a product, supported by your own experiences and testimony creates a compelling reason for others to try those products as well.