Your online marketing is a joke! At least that is my evaluation of much of the so-called internet marketing these days and people trying to make money online. The internet is being overrun with nameless, faceless, cookie cutter marketing that is both unappealing and for the most part grossly ineffective. Because you are my well informed reader, I know you are not guilty of unleashing such horrible marketing tactics upon the planet.
Let's talk about some of the repugnant online marketing that many are promoting these days. I’m going to give you my least favorites list in no particular order:
The I just became your friend on Facebook and now I am posting my links all over your wall technique. I had a guy recently that was trying this tactic twice a day on my wall. Needless to say he did not and will not ever get my business and I quickly deleted him from my friend list.
The gaudy font hyperlink bandit. This is the guy or gal that makes sure to use oversize font in an array of distracting colors. These hyperlinks are used in every email, forum post and any other html based platform they can find.
The you better go to my replicated page before you miss the boat marketing strategy. This one comes with every new pre-launch, just can’t miss opportunity and of course everyone who gets in now will be a 7 figure earner with their online business in the next 90 days, if not sooner. I find it interesting that those who send me these types of marketing messages are the same people who send me a new opportunity about every 90 days…a real confidence builder indeed.